Title: Take It Off, Warrior
Author: Eliza Knight
Rating: Four Siren Stones

Genre: Historical
Sub-Genre: Erotic Romance
Keywords: Time Travel
Page Count: 84 pages
ISBN For Print: 978-1419928154
Publisher: Ellora’s Cave Romantica Publication
Buy-Link: http://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-takeitoffwarrior-441860-144.html
Reviewer: Lisa Fitzpatrick
Sixteenth-century Highland laird Camden MacLeod wakes up in the modern world. Confused with his surroundings, he haphazardly throws on his kilt and goes in search of whoever has played such a foul trick on him. What he finds instead is beyond tempting…
Valerie is thoroughly exploring the medieval Scottish castle she’s rented for her best friend’s bachelorette party. Not only does an oddly shaped stone in tower catch her fancy—it somehow brings her dream man to life.
Valerie is drawn to the Isle of Skye in Scotland. A love of castles and tales of clans and honour is one reason she uprooted from England, and indulged her love of books by purchasing a local bookstore.
While organising a bevy of hot, kilted highland dancers for her friend’s bachelorette party, she gets a little more than she bargained for when the old faerie magic takes a hand in her fate, and draws her soul mate warrior from the very history she adores.
Unlike some stories of this type, which sacrifice actual ‘story’ for a plethora of sexual encounters, this tale blends those two aspects well. Definitely on the more tasteful side of erotica, which is brought about by the deeper connection between the two main characters, this book was a pleasure (no pun intended!) to read.
I am usually rather sceptical about the historical accuracy of some tales based on Celtic legends, being of that heritage myself; this story flows easily and is clearly well researched. My only criticism is that when referring to Scotch, whisky is spelt without the additional ‘e’.
Based on this book, the first I have read from this author, I’d definitely look up her other titles.