Title: Doms of Dark Haven—Anthology
Author: Sierra Cartwright
Rating: Three And A Half Siren Stones
Genre: Erotica
Sub-Genre: BDSM
ISBN For Print: 978-1-60737-593-7
Publisher: Loose ID
Buy-Link: http://www.loose-id.com/Doms-of-Dark-Haven.aspx
Reviewer: Brigit Aine
Highly trained Mira Araceli can hold her own in the toughest parts of the world, but not, it seems, against her secret crush, Torin Carter. She’d fallen for her Hawkeye instructor years before, and to him, she’d been just another recruit; fresh, green, idealistic.
Torin, with his dark Irish good looks and fierce temper, doesn’t want a partner, any partner, and especially not Mira. But assignments are assignments, and he takes his responsibilities seriously. So when the beautifully submissive Mira crawls into his bedroom, a leather belt between her teeth, he calls on all his resolve to send her away.
Unsatisfied, Mira ups the stakes and finds another dom to play with at Dark Haven. Beyond furious, Torin storms into Master Xavier’s club and claims his rights to dominate Mira. For the first time in her life, she’s met her match.
Dark, delicious and dangerous.
Just what was ordered for a great summer read. Following orders in the bedroom once Mira gets Torin’s attention isn’t the problem. It is who is in charge outside. Steaming sex and dangerous situations get these two going all the time.
A fun, lust inspiring read in the dark and dangerous world of Dark Haven.
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