Tuesday, December 14, 2010

J.A. Saare, Crimson Moon

Title: Crimson Moon

Author: J.A. Saare

Rating: Four Siren Stones

Genre: Paranormal Romance

Sub-Genre: Urban Fantasy

Keywords: Sensual, Black Rose, Vampires, Werewolf

Page Count: 348

ISBN E-Book: 1-60154-731-5

Price: $7.00

ISBN For Print: 978-1601547316

Price: $14.99

Publisher: The Wild Rose Press

Buy-Link: http://www.thewildrosepress.com/crimson-moon-p-4083.html

Reviewer: Nikki


An average morning is what Emma Johnson envisions when she visits Joe’s CafĂ© for a steaming cup of coffee. But the world isn't the place she imagined it to be, and neither is she…

After Emma is rescued from a horde of bloodthirsty creatures, she discovers she is the daughter of a powerful Vampire from the House Deviard, her rescuer, Caleb, having been sent to see her safely home. For Caleb is also unique, a werewolf procured to protect the royal Vampiric bloodlines from harm - but nothing more.

Soon, the undeniable connection Emma and Caleb share evolves beyond attraction into something unexpected. When she is forced to make a choice, what path will she take - vampire or wolf?


Crimson Moon is an adventurous paranormal/urban fantasy with romance. It starts off with Emma, thinking it's an ordinary day, when the UN-ordinary happens. The things she always believed to be true were in fact, not true, and that changed her life that day.

I found Crimson Moon to be fast paced, action packed, and quite thrilling. The characters were well created, a moving plot and all around an enjoyable read.

This was my first read from J.A. Saare, but surely won't be my last. Readers, if you're looking for a good paranormal/urban fantasy read, then Crimson Moon might be what you are looking for.

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