Title: Fury
Author: Laurann Dohner
Rating: Siren's Best Book Stone

Genre: Paranormal Romance
Length: Super-Plus Size Novel
ISBN E-Book: 978-1419935954
Price: $7.99
Publisher: Ellora’s Cave
Buy-Link: http://www.jasminejade.com/p-9480-fury.aspx
Book 1 in the New Species series.
Ellie is horrified to discover the pharmaceutical company she works for is doing illegal experiments. Company scientists have spliced human and animal DNA, creating exotic new species. One such “experiment” captures her heart and she’ll do anything to save him—even if he hates her for it.
Fury has never known compassion or love. He’s spent his life in a cell, chained and abused by humans. The one woman he allowed himself to trust betrayed him. Now he’s free and set on vengeance. He vows to end her life but when she’s finally in his grasp, harming her is the last thing he wants to do to the sexy little human.
Fury can’t resist Ellie—the touch of her hands, her mouth on his skin, her body wrapped around his. He’s obsessed with the scent of his woman. And Ellie wants Fury—always has. She craves his big, powerful body and wants to heal his desolate heart.
But loving Fury is one thing…taming him is another.
Reader Advisory: This story contains the heartrending aftermath of a rape scene involving a captive male. Another scene involves capture and forced touching by a hurt, vengeful Fury.
New Species: Fury by Laurann Dohner took me into the lives of a brand new mixed breed of men and women. Laurann Dohner laid the ground work splendidly with this first read. I was introduced to a fierce woman Ellie, a human who at great cost to herself committed both a heart wrenching crime and at the same time saved the life of someone she grew to care for.
Her fierce spirit and sassy ways fit perfectly with Fury. Their path was filled with obstacles at every turn and kept me on edge waiting to see what would happen after turning the page. The intimacy blew me away. Primal and loving at the same time it had me sighing in pleasure. As the plot thickened and a conspiracy popped up, I prayed they’d find a way to survive the hatred surrounding them. I immensely enjoyed the female species and all of the secondary characters and their interaction with this explosive couple. I can’t wait for the next in this series and hope to be able to read it soon. Fury is a must read.