Title: Unspeakable
Author: Kayleigh Jamison
Rating: Four Siren Stones
Genre: Erotic Romance
Sub-Genre: Historical
Keywords: Regency, Erotic, Mute Heroine, Rakish Hero, London
Word Or Page Count: 12,800 words; 68 pages (trade paperback)
ISBN E-Book: 978-1-60435-262-7
ISBN For Print: 978-1604359350
Publisher: Red Rose Publishing
Ebook: http://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-unspeakable-13489-144.html
Reviewer: Kristin Manter
Trevor Caufield has always prided himself on being a consummate rake...until a clandestine meeting with a mysterious, strangely silent woman in a darkened hallway. Setting out to pursue Emma Hatton with purely selfish intentions, he discovers emotions that transcend his formerly uncomplicated existence and teach him that true love has no need for words.
Trevor Caufield has always prided himself on being a consummate rake...until a clandestine meeting with a mysterious, strangely silent woman in a darkened hallway. Setting out to pursue Emma Hatton with purely selfish intentions, he discovers emotions that transcend his formerly uncomplicated existence, and teach him that true love has no need for words.
A gorgeous cover draws the reader into a captivating historical that makes it very easy to forget the present. Kayleigh Jamison has secured a fan in this reviewer with Unspeakable.
From the very first chapter, Kayleigh paints the most beautifully vivid world. The reader is able to perfectly, and accurately picture not only the landscape, but the characters as well. The relentless passion between Emma and Trevor will keep the reader engaged. It is easy to fall in love with Emma as the story progresses, grow to appreciate and admire Trevor for his noble intentions and surprisingly pure motives.
The sensuality of the intimacy shared between Trevor and Emma is heated, but written with class. This story is a renaissance in love-at-first-sight tales that will turn even the most skeptic readers into believers.
Without a doubt this is at least a Four And A Half Siren Stone story. Unfortunately, editing errors, and unsatisfying conflict between Caroline and the Duke of Pempbroke, v/s Trevor and Emma has influenced the ultimate rating. I definitely do recommend this book, and look forward to coming back to it time and again.
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