Title: Politically Incorrect 2: Subjugated
Author: Jaid Black
Rating: Five Siren Stones
Genre: Marital Heat
Length: Novella
ISBN E-Book: 978-1419930102
Price: $4.45
Publisher: Ellora's Cave
Buy-Link: http://www.jasminejade.com/p-8524-subjugated.aspxBlurb/Summary:
Shannon Smith thinks her marriage to the intense, brooding Hani bin Nasser is one of convenience, but her mysterious Saudi husband has other plans.
Shannon knows that her marriage to Hani was a marriage of convenience and she doesn't regret it. But, why is she having these dreams and secret desires for and about him, when she knows that their time is coming to an end?
Hani wants his wife, he has given her enough time to get used to him and now he has a plan in motion to show her that she is his and it is for keeps.
We have been blessed by this tale by Jaid Black, and as you all know she never disappoints.
I kinda have lost my trust in Jaid, since the “Trek Mi Q'an” series. Loved Breeding grounds, but the books keep becoming more and more unrealistic. I sure do hope I am wrong! But Jaid's stile is a superficial ... kinda "for stupid people" one. I really repeat: I HOPE I AM WRONG! But excuse me if I don't trust the commercial reviews all bloggers are giving away.
I will read this book too, and I promise you if I find it "insulting" I will not cover it up. I am sick of sugar-coating it!
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