Title: Summer Of The Cougar
Author: Nicole Austin
Rating: Four And A Half Siren Stones
Genre: Romance
Keywords: Older Woman/Younger Man, Cougar Challenge Series
Page Count: 94
ISBN E-Book: 978-1419929090
Price: $4.45
Publisher: Ellora's Cave
Reviewer: Nikki
With the big four-oh looming, Larissa Cross is more than ready to shed the roles that have defined her and make drastic changes. Gone are the widowed Army wife, soccer mom and empty nester. She’s even setting aside the schoolteacher until fall.
A naughty challenge issued by fellow erotic romance booklovers on their blog, Tempt the Cougar, has come at the perfect time and ignited Rissa’s competitive drive. It’s going to be a glorious summer full of hot younger man lovin’ for a new cougar on the prowl. Rawr!
Tattooed and pierced fireman JD Harmon is tempting prey but there’s much more to the hunk than his bad boy good looks. A one-night stand isn’t in his plans, and sex—no matter how mind-blowing—won’t distract him from his goals. JD intends to tame the wicked cougar and stake a claim on her heart.
I enjoyed Summer of the Cougar more than I thought I would. Rissa, nearly forty, a teacher, widowed with two older kids takes on a challenge; to go to bed with a younger man.
She meets JD when her car decides to break down, and from there on, the two spend much time together in bed and out. JD is looking for much more than just sex, he is looking for love. Rissa, on the other hand, is not.
Reading about the two proved to be very interesting, and I very much liked how the story ended. Reading this makes me believe that love can be found at any age, despite the difference between the two. Great read!
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